Habit - Red
Phase 1: Complete
Longest streak: 30 second smile first thing every morning @ 36 days and going strong.
Might have been as long as 60+ days, but my phone gave up on functioning and I had to wait for a replacement. See that little struggle where I was able to turn it on for a few hours to log then keeled over? Yeah, whatever. I'm proud of my progress here and hope I can continue to implement them for life. They serve me well.
Reporting & Revaluating
Habit - Yellow
Phase 2: Under construction
Longest streak: Planning to do's - 15 days

To do's, Meditation and Prayer are definitely on their way, but I'm struggling in the Gratitude and Exercise department of my life. Dont' get me wrong, I always feel great after doing them, but starting them or fitting them in is a struggle for me. Well, building in a lasting habit is a struggle anyway. Consistency has never been my strong suit, but making these things habits will help change that.
Obstacles I think I run into most are - 1.) Fitting in my lesser favorite things in the amount of time I have between getting out of bed (red routine) and being present with my kids for breakfast and starting their morning routine. (blue routine) 2.) Some mornings I start out without enough cares to give. I'd use the other popular trending phrase, but I'm just not too keen on vulgarity. It's a part of me that I left in 7th grade and well, I intend to keep it there for personal reasons. Just not my cup of tea.
Consistently getting out of bed at a set time instead of soaking in the snooze alarm is the primary offender on time constraints. I LOVE to sleep in. I really use to be a morning person. Truly. Yeah, not so much anymore. Uhg. I've successfully found ways around my captcha alarm which requires me to have enough light to take a picture of my smile. Sometimes playing a video game first thing has helped stimulate my sleepy mind enough to get geared up for the day. Taking a shower has also helped in the past. The idea was suggested that I keep some water at my bedside, drink it first thing when my alarm goes off, enjoy my 15 min snooze and then try and get up. That helped for a couple of days. I also used the 5,4,3,2,1 countdown method, but have developed a bad habit of ceasing to count around 2 and giving up on waking up. Haha. Ugh. What do you do to wake yourself up in the morning? Comments are welcomed! I'd appreciate any help you can provide.
Plan Yellow
In the mean time... I plan on setting my alarm for a half hour earlier. I often forget, but I like the idea of keeping a jug of water on my night stand. So I'll wake up with my alarm, hit the a long 30 min snooze, chug some room temperature water, playing a video game, and then wherever I'm at,when my 30 min snooze is up, do my captcha wake up smile. Guys... the struggle is real. Well, it's become real for me. Kids I can get up for, job I can get up for, but getting up for myself? Yeah, I talk myself out of it too easily. Wish me luck on this hybrid plan to help me wake myself up each morning!
Will report back on this when I've gotten at least a 2-3 week streak (5 days a week instead of 7) so I can move on to some other very important habits I'm really looking forward to benefit from - but can't unless I'm truly awake for! Stay tuned!