I attempted to tackle a deeper understanding of meat and the Word of Wisdom scripturally. This was probably due to Josie's focus on protein lately and getting enough, and looking for more variety then lean meats to protein up! Also I really enjoy alfalfa sprouts and they're usually never found on anything restaurants except for vegetarian meal options. So between challenging myself to go no meat when I go out to eat and helping support Josie in her diet, I've been focused a bit on my diet and what goes in me. I highly recommend it.
Anyway, have you ever thought of going vegetarian or vegan? My brother I think is mostly vegetarian come to think of it. It opens up a wonderful world of variety. My favorite this week is sunflower seeds, and Jos and I have some quinoa we need to start using.
Anyway, back to my thoughts, my mind narrowed down on 2 words "ordained" and "nature" in D&C 89.
Herbs of the field, grain, fruit in their season, and then there's this meat thing like, hey this is Ordained too, but Adam, you named all the beasts of the fields so, you can eat them, but... Hey, have you considered grain? Yeah probably better hold off on Bambi unless you are really hungry or the crops aren't good. Just a though. They're there if ya need them.
I'm 100% confident that the amount of meat we eat is huge part cultural and small part laziness. Oh and then there's taste I guess but, I think the direction I'm going is good. A worthy challenge, and so far I'm liking it! Thought I'd share!
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