I found a way to implement each suggestion at least once, and tried each at least a half dozen times over the course of the past month and a half. Among the most helpful:
1. Being intentional about getting enough sleep. (Quality doesn't seem to matter much in my observation if it isn't accompanied by quantity)
2. I'd recommend meditation or hypnosis to help one off to sleep.
3. Magnesium oil if you're on your feet for most of the day.
4. Blue Light Filters
5. Black out the room.
6.) BONUS - Ditching the snooze button (Look up snooze and sleep inertia - not in the book but suggested in another I read and found extremely valuable)
I can't really speak on some like "don't drink alcohol" or having a caffeine curfew, since caffeine has such a mild affect on me, and well, avoiding caffeine before bed just seems like a no brainier. But I can say that avoiding working out before bed did have an adverse affect on me once, and trying to sleep when it's too hot is also miserable, but usually not something I have to fight.
As far as lifestyle, I use my phone for music or audio to clear my head so keeping it out of the room doesn't work for my lifestyle, neither do I try to eat anything after 8 so a high protein snack before bed just isn't realistic for me.
And for the rest, they may help some people, but really I think they were just page # fillers and have little merit. The book itself however I'd give 3 stars as it's exhaustive on the subject, and worth at least a one time read.
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