Just quick thought on confirmation Bias.
Wikipedia defines it as follows:
Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,[Note 1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.
I've often thought of the scripture "seek and ye shall find, in connection with this. Attitude too. Whatever you're looking for, you'll find it in one way or another if you look hard enough.
So much of our reality of lense through which we see the world is biased, from social and cultural influences to "center of the universe" syndrome.
I believe there is much value finding the positive in as much as we can around us. Confirmation Bias is one of the most powerful tools of the adversary. In the workings of out own minds, if left unchecked, we can spiral down so quickly, beating ourselves up over things greatly exaggerated.
An example illustrated by my brother, consider the last time you ran out of gas before making it to the gas station. How often does that happen? Probably very few compared to all the tunes you successfully filled your tank before it was completely empty. Why then, if we do run out of gas do we act so upset, feel so embarrassed, forget all the times that we were successful and make this one time such a big deal?
One good solution I've enjoyed that has helped me become more objective in general, is meditation. Even 30 seconds of deep breathing and checking in with your body can help you get grounded and out of your head an break the cycle. Take 3 deep slow breaths, then start from the head and observe any sensations. All the way down the body. THEN return to whatever was perplexing you, or emotionally sending you into over reacting, etc. Then observe those thoughts, feelings. View then with curiosity as if through a window. In effect its like putting a thick sheet of plexiglass between you and the anger, hurt, bias, and allows you to safely observe and consider things as they really are according to our senses, and according to those whispering of the still small voice.
Hope this helps someone!
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