Wednesday, September 28, 2016

(Project Updates) Becoming fantast[i]c ≥ [f]antastic

To reference the original article visit:

For all of you who tuned in 10/17 or later, thank you for your support. I certainly digressed. Taking a week break didn't seem to serve me very well. Commitment must resume. Thank goodness for this blog to help me remember my goals and original motivation. Time to get back on track. And if I falter, I give myself permission to re-commit time and time again. It's all worth it, until daily planning and accounting become habit again. This accountability practice sure did help me stay on task before.

Well, even with a busy schedule and crazy kids I was able to stick to my schedule fairly well. I started off real strong, and then the move got closer, a little more crazy and my resolve, a little less enthusiastic. How does one develop endurance? I think of exercise, and after a long time running how much simpler the original distance was to meet and exceed. I suppose I'll have to stick to it. I feel kind of down on myself for not holding through. There are lots of excuses I could give for why I progressively became more lax in my diligence, but I know I can do better. My self-critic is saying, step up, you planned your own schedule, take accountability for your actions and is trying to protect me from failing, while my inner kindness is saying, good job for accounting for all 5 days, and protect me from becoming more successful than I'm ready to take responsibility for, right? Perhaps this is why line upon line is such an effective way to learn, and why balance is so important.

From here I plan start again the beginning of next week, and let the rest of this week allow for adjusting to a new apartment, schedule, placement of room and establish places for activities like I had before. It's always tough moving to a new place, but the kids seem much less affected by this move than the other crazy moves since Jan 4th when our house was broken into in Las Vegas.

With no further adieu, my report:

Green 1 point for 2/3rds of time on point
Pink/Flamingo - 1/2 point for 1/2 to 2/3ds of time on point
Orange/Red - 0 Points as less than half of time was spent on point
1 Bonus Point for each completed Google Keep Note

Mon 8.5/10

Tue 9.25/9.5

Wed 8/10

Thur 5/10

Fri 10/10 - packing/new apartment day

OVERALL ?/49.5

40.75/49.5 = 82% time accounted for!

Now, granted, it should be realistic to be able to obtain 100% as my time management formula already allows for a 33% margin for error, but 82 is not too bad of a start. What concerns me most is Thursday felt really unproductive, but I believe with consistency in my new environment I should be able to best 82%! Tune in Mon 10/17 to see! Will I improve? Or digress in sticking to my scheduled outline for the day? I hope to improve.

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