Which in turn reminded me of the voice of blue laser screaming "FANTASTIC" from the cheat commando's series.

There are times when as a husband, father, business owner, church member, brother, son, friend and individual, the fact that I'm balancing all these titles and doing OK at most of them, and still keeping my cool in frustrating times, helps me feel like a pretty fantastic(i) person. =) Whatever our circumstances are, life's just difficult all around. We owe it to me ourselves to acknowledge our great moments, and allow them to boost our morale. However, we're not super heroes and we all have limits - limits which must be respected! Take on too much and we cross the line and become fantastic(f). Okay to be fantastic(i) not okay to be fantastic(f).
Sometime in the past month I started analyzing how much I was doing, and got myself a little overwhelmed. Still wanting to do more and be more, I pushed myself super-hero far, ignoring my limits. I didn't know this is what I was doing, but it makes sense looking back. I quickly turned from being fantastic to being fantastic! I'll let you figure out the (i) or (f) from here.
When I first started loosing grip and my cool, I felt like I was loosing parts of myself. I reached out to a few strong friends and tried to focus more on building and restoring friendships. I figured it would help buoy me up, establish some recreational time to add an outside sourced measure of fun. Ultimately to help me recenter and handle everything else on my plate.
However, my wife helped me realize that that's what my family and the Savior was here for and that focusing on building friendships was only serving to spread myself more thin. Problem. Initially, the idea was upsetting to me. I needed my friends. I missed strengths I use to see in myself and them when these 3 people were in my life, so why not be a supportive friend to say thank you and genuinely be an active friend? Immaturely, I battled back and forth in my head, trying to blame sabotage, jealousy, self esteem or whatever terrible thing pride brings you to blame your spouse for when your views do not conform. Don't do it, just don't do it people. Josie, has always had our family and my own best interests at heart and has an amazing knack or talent for being able to see others needs or wants clearly. One of these day's I'll understand and accept the old adage that the woman is always right! After all, true friends aren't going anywhere. Their lives and for now the memory of their friendship/example are serving their purpose in my life.
3 timely friends and their individual legacies. Thank you! You know who you are.
1.) Anything that Jesus touches lives. I can stay close to my Savior, build an indestructible marriage and raise a strong family.
2.) Journals are important. I can set, track and reach meaningful goals, express myself, and find joy in my priorities.
3.) Where time is spent, there the heart is also. I can limit and even eliminate false entertainment traditions of my childhood for my own betterment.
And the best lesson of all, from my darling sweetie-love, Josie. Simplifying is more valuable than accessorizing. I can focus my time and attention on what is most important, grow into the man I deeply desire to be, and overcome my most trying challenges! You see the best in my Josie, and I love you!
So, now to the ME portion. I have a great schedule outlined, priorities considered, but I'm having difficulty sticking to it since no one's really holding me to it but myself. I have outlined a schedule that should serve to fit everything in between 8-5. I'll evaluate each section, and as long as I've dedicated 2/3rds of the assigned time to that task, I'll change it to a different color to indicate I stuck to that task for 2/3 majority of the time. Success! Similar if I don't, a different color, so after a week I can post my colors and evaluate where I need to improve, or adjust my schedule.
Here is a typical day as stands from 8-5.
Here is a typical day as stands from 8-5.
Every hour is rewarded a point. Mon-Fri should total 10 hours a day 50 (54 including bonus points) points total. Each point is worth a self spending allowance of $0.50 each. Simple enough! At the end of the week I'll make things I need to improve on worth 2 points or a $1 each. Color coding example to show as follows:
Google keep notes where all items are accounted for get 2 bonus points or a dollar each, per list.
Google keep notes where all items are accounted for get 2 bonus points or a dollar each, per list.
Wish me luck!!
To follow my progress on this project visit: http://meetjustjake.blogspot.com/2016/09/project-updates-becoming-fantastic.html
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