Sunday, April 8, 2018

Become: A turning point from depression to renewed hope!

I'lI never forget what my grandmother said
On her third maybe fourth to last deathbed.
See, she was always dying, hanging on for dear life,
Always has been since my mom was what? Thirteen?

But here she was at age ninety-one
Having suffered a stroke, left arm and throat, numb.
Had to relearn how to speak and make words
She said to me in her half-broken speech,

"I'm a yo-yo," she said, "I've been as low as they go,
But I always bounce back, albeit less high as time goes.
And soon, I'lI be layed down in the dust,
But not today! I've got lots of string left!

I marvel at that - having been through so much,
To bounce back each time, just under enough?
How I wished at the time I could transform her world
Like something seen out of Dr Strange or Inception, you know?

I'd rotate the whole world,
Turn it up on its head so,
Each time the yo-yo was released,
It would drop upwards instead.

And every time it would come back down
It'd be a little less low, rising higher each round
But it was all in my head; a fantasy of mental speak
Only real in my mind so, so far from my reach.

I'll never forget that morning she died.
She came into my mind by a dream to say, "Good-bye."
I greived and awoke to note the time,
And later learned it was the exact time that she died.

How powerfully complex is our network of minds -
Whether science unexplained or something more divine -
That a soul so close to us in life
Might reach across the cosmos to communicate death,
In the very moment of their passing?

Might I then underestimate the power of my own mind;
In my dark moments, yo-yoing in and out of depression?
My grandmother was out of my reach, but my depression
Begins and ends in my own miraculous mind!

Unrestrained by mortal limitations and laws
I can flip things around! "[My] future is as bright as [my] faith."
Darkness must flee before light.
No lie retains substance when truth is laid bare.

And the truth about depression is - that it's fed by our minds.
The same mind that connects us in powerful ways.
The same power that enables us to rewrite our own futures
As if from a screen where all that limits us is
The infinite potential of our own limitless imagination!

We are not what we have imagined to be.
We are.
We can be.
We will be our best selves imaginable.


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