At the ER, I was asked a series of questions and was treated with much kindness and sympathy, I accepted an invitation to go to a behavioral hospital where I could have my meds evaluated in a safe and regularly monitored environment.
After 1 week in this center, having visited with medical, mental and social experts, I was diagnosed not with ADHD but Bipolar Disorder, prescribed an antiphycotic, and discovered a couple other potential health issues along with treatment.
Medication alone, I was advised would not be the end all cure all. It would help, but not fix the core issues. In order to do that I'd have to maintain my mental, physical and emotional health with proper diet, exercise and professional help from a therapist.
By the end of my time there I was fired up, stable and feeling on top of my game. Better than ever! Which of course lasted for a short time before my old habits, as I'm sure often happens after leaving such a structured and accountable environment.
After more frequent emotionally charged episodes with my wife, I pondered in the early morning, this morning, 5 essential nurturing needs that will need to be in order to more fully cope with Bipolar Disorder and maybe ever curb undesirable episodes for the long haul. I'll base my findings in the following scriptural teaching: Doctrine and Covenants 4:2
"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."My main responsibilities involve not only independent needs but interdependent relationships.
"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17)I'll reference these 5 things to be interchangeable with the following:
Service: (Social, Work, Parenting, Community, Friends, Family, Relationships)
HEART: Prescribe PLAY
(Emotional Health / Feelings, Emotions, etc)
(Spiritual Health / Beliefs, Values, Religion, etc)
MIND: Prescribe SLEEP
(Mental Health / Prescribed medications for mental illnesses, education, remembrance/diligence)
(Physical Health / Energy, endurance, muscle, vitals, etc.)
Health is not as linear as many think it to be - it's more circular. All influence and interact with each other. Not enough sleep and your mind and body don't get enough rest influencing your mental health and physical health. Less clear thinking least to poor choices, less physical energy determines how you feel about the things you do. Self talk affects your mental health, and maybe even social interactions. Affects the quality of service you do, all spiraling into all kinds of disasters.
If each of the these 4 elements were properly understood and cared for - the quality of our daily relationships, service and interdependence between each other.
I'd like to report 4 high priority goals and return to measure my progress. The 4 goals to hopefully improve the quality of my service as a Son of God, Husband, Father, Church Member, Employee/Employer, Community Member, and Friend, are as follows:
Heart: Play - Discover hobbies or other healthy interests besides video games
Might: Atonement - Come to discover my Savior better by getting in and studying his word through words of the living prophets more and pulling principles from the scriptures daily if not at least weekly.
Mind: Sleep - get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. No matter what.
Strength: Diet & Exercise - Find physical movement that feels delicious to my body and soul and develop a consistent exercise regiment. Also keep to a 4 plate diet, testing my blood sugar to avoid becoming diabetic and needing insulin shots. Checking my fasting blood sugar daily will keep me motivated and informed on how I'm doing on a daily basis.
Lastly, in the comments section, if you wish, does anyone want to join me on my adventure and share your 4 goals? I firmly believe keeping these 4 elements of our lives will greatly influence the quality of our daily purposes as individuals. Thank you for your continued support in reading, until next time.
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