Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How It Stuck, Why Just Jake & A Little Piece of Me

"Is that short for Jacob or something?" My mother-in-law asked after introducing myself for the 'first time'. (early readers of our Jake & Josie blog may catch the reference) "Nope," I replied, as I had a hundred times before to similar inquires, "Just Jake! It shows that way on my birth certificate." "Wull, then hello, Just Jake." she etched in stone with her reply. And so it stuck. =)


I've been on a "Unity" kick for the past month or so. Thinking, feeling and acting in terms of "us," "our," "we" etc. has its place and It. Is. Wonderful! But a person is a person, no matter how tall! I intend for this to be a place of self discovery. To remain accountable for personal goals. Maybe even, perhaps, as a form of creative self-therapy.  Here, I can express myself less publicly, yet in a deeper, more connectable manner than can be done on the big, bad, double plaid world called Facebook. -- I do spend more time there than I'd like to admit, perhaps because...

I crave connection. Here's a BIG Just-Jake-Abtr. Maybe you'll agree. Maintaining meaningful relationships and connections to the amazing people in my life... is just plain difficult. My life, and the life of many quality people have either singularly or perplexedly: moved geographically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually in less compatible social directions. (Wow, what a mouthful!) Yet, I feel very much connected with many of you reading, I'm sure. After all, the fact that you've taken the time to read THIS, (or even read this far through my wordy sentences) is evidence that we're still socially compatible, in one, if not many ways. And -I- Love-that!

Life, and especially relationships, are complex. Some serve in seasons, for specific reasons, (sink me! *said in the voice of Lord Percy Blakeney) others we hope will last forever! I can usually think of at least 10 people I'd consider forever friends, at any given time. Some of which I rarely talk with due to time and/or perplexity, while others I'm in frequent contact with. You and I may not currently, or actively be the best of friends, -- My wife has continually earned that right, and even if she hadn't by virtue of her title, as wife, she deserves to be such. -- But does that mean that when you get married, you loose all your friends? (Yes, Jake, that's exactly what happens and you know it!) Can you and I not still enjoy element's of each other's friendship? Must we sever ties or close our hearts to each other and become numb? Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as Yes or No. But -I- am a man of ideals, and resolutely opinionate, NO! (Put the friendship shearers away! We all just be widdle-wost-sheepies!)

I hope that this blog can serve as an open book. May WE connect, strangers or cronies, at home or abroad, mind to mind, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, whether now or a thousand years from now, (give that a minute to sink in) let it be in your own way, on YOUR own time, with what I leave here. Are we not all the family of Adam? And so, I conclude. I AM HERE. (Jake-was-here!) It may be with a mortal heart too small to capacitate all it desires in this life, but yes, JAKE IS HERE. (Mmmhmm, I'll claim making up the word, "opinionate" and "capacitate.")    =)

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